From God the Father to God the Parent
Why we urgently need to include the maternal nature of God into our language and worldview
The now much discussed efforts of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon to establish an understanding of God as our Father-Mother – one Being with balanced complementary paternal and maternal aspects – examined from the viewpoint of a biology enthusiast with theological background who postulates that we must immediately begin to include the maternal nature of God into our concepts and language to better comprehend our own purpose, value and complementary “design”.
Author: Johannes Stampf
ISBN: 978-3-922947-95-0
56 pages, paperback
Does it make a difference to our self-image, our sense of self, and/or our collective decisions as a society, whether we see and feel God as a strict Lord, a righteous judge, an unapproachable creator, as a presence of impersonal energy, or whether we see God as a father, a mother – our own loving parent? What new mindset would guide all our thoughts and actions, if we were to address God as a parent and include Him in the concerns of our own families and social interactions?
Johannes Stampf analyses the image of God and human beings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon (aka. Father and Mother Moon), who convey a comprehensive understanding of the nature, creational motivation and heart of God towards human beings, based on their own experiences.
It is a parent-child image in which theology and biology do not have to compete with each other, but rather reach out to each other in agreement – an image that everyone would like to be a part of, because it resonates with our most natural and intimate longing for love and appreciation.
“God is the Parent of humankind.
The original Parents.
These Parents are not separate, but one.
One person.”
–Sun Myung Moon