Children of Cain
Author: Barbara Grabner
Paperback, 200 pages, 13x19 cm
ISBN: 978-3-9229-4758-5
We may look at human history as a fratricidal tragedy, an unbroken series of wars and unending misery. Motivated by the desire for status, power and wealth, humankind has fought to win and bask in glory, leaving the losers stewing in resentment and looking for revenge. Yet amid this darkness we also can see moments of hope in which the brighter aspects of the human spirit have triumphed over evil. Love that comes when brothers reconcile is a much stronger bond for unity and peace than the bonds of empire, or even of trade. This book gives a comprehensive insight into the internal component of fratricide in the broadest sense – beginning with the biblical story of the murder of Abel right up to the standoff between capitalism and communism. Only when the age-old cause has been exposed and solved, can peace finally be established.
Preface by Heinz Krcek
Part I: The Spiritual Roots of Fratricide
Introduction by Andrew Wilson
The Spiritual Roots of Fratricide
The First Rebel
Cosmic Tug-of-War
Providential Role Play
Inherited Patterns of Erroneous Behaviour
Version 1: The Rare Ideal Case
Version 2: The Frequent Catastrophic Event
Version 3: Last-Minute Conflict Resolution
Version 4: A Tragic Combination
The Driving Force behind Historical Conflicts
Capitalist Society and Mammonism
Human Rights Upside Down
Part II: The Providence of Evil
Introduction by Thomas J. Ward
The Providence of Evil
The Half-Truth - a Product of the Fall
The Historical Turning Point
The Second Oldest Religion?
The Destruction of the Foundation of Faith
Communism in the Context of the Providence
The World Empire of Militant Atheism
Stalin, the Antichrist Incarnate
Dialogue Instead of Clash of Civilizations
Prospects by Herbert Giller